Sunday, October 23, 2011

Curl Definition

What's the secret to the different kinds of curls I've had in my hair? 1 word: WATER! Yup... It's mostly because of water.
When I make the moisturizer mix I use in my hair, I put some of my moisturizer (, some water, and then I add olive oil after (for sealing). Usually when I'm doing my hair, it's not just a little wet... It's DAMP. After my hair is thoroughly moisturized, I'll use a styling tool. Most recently I've used curl formers, I used flexi rods (that was a fail) and most often I've done either flat twits or just loose twists (depending on what look I was going for). Pics below :)

Curl formers

Flat twists

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sealing Moisture

I used to have the mentality that water is just not good on my already nappy hair. I already knew that it shrunk my hair, but I also thought that it definitely made my hair fall out... FALSE. In reality, water is one of the BEST natural moisturizers your hair will ever find! Now? Water is a staple on my list of hair products. Plus, you find it everywhere! The only thing you have to remember is to seal in the moisture in your hair. Why? Because our hair is so porous, it takes in moisture easily, but it also loses moisture just as easy. The purpose of using a sealant (preferably something like some type of oil) is to keep your moisture in and to keep your ends alive much longer.
SN: This actually came as a surprise to me as well, but petroleum jelly is not as beneficial to your hair and we commonly think! Petrolatum, mineral oil, and lanolin products are just filler ingredients.
The best types of oils to use for sealing are coconut, jojoba, olive, and carrot oil.
ALSO! Oils do not moisturize! (Oil is hydrophobic... It HATES water & it will lock all the moisture OUT of your hair. You do NOT want that!)
So add water first (or whatever your primary moisturizer is) and then add the oil!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Tuck & Roll!

It's getting around that time...
Winter! (boooo for hair, yayy for fashion)
The thing about winter is that the cold air sucks moisture out of your hair at a faster rate than usual. Your hair need a little bit of extra protection! First and foremost: protect your ends! As I've mentioned on my blog before, your ends are just living to die. You want to keep them happy while they're still alive. How? Moisture! Your hair needs to be moisturized more, now more than ever. A very common, and very efficient way of keeping your ends moistuirized is by tucking and rolling. Any hairstyle that s going to protect your ends, and hairstyle where your ends will be tucked away is going to help your hair retain moisture and it will in the end help you retain your hair length. Some common hairstyles are: Bantu knots, hair buns (cinnabuns, twisted buns, sock buns), box braids, cornrows, twists, and any variation of up dos. All you have to remember is to take down your style (unless its your twists/'box braids, you can just apply your moisture to them as is) and add a little moisture every 1-2 days. This link here give some helpful ideas (no videos). Read the comments here.

A guiding video: