Wednesday, January 5, 2011

DAY 4: Weekend Hair (Sorry this post is wayy overdue!)

Soo for Christmas weekend 2010, my sister and I went to NY to spend it with my cousin. (Aside from being snowed in pretty much all week, it was great!) There was various styles done that weekend, and into the following week (and I know I've been so behind on my blog...) but here is the gist of the weekend:
Into the weekend, big (fat) lat twists -after wetting my hair- to end up in a naturally curly look.

Saturday Morning Hair: I attempted to straighten my hair on Saturday morning (EPIC FAILURE). My ends were not cooperating whatsoever, it
 was still as nappy as it had been before I started, so I just decided to put
my hair up.

My sister's hair. It was so AMAZING I had to put it up. Her hair is permed, so in straightening her hair (which she did Friday night) it
wasn't much of a problem.  She clipped her hair up in the background using bobby pins, and a different type of clip (not sure what it's called).
   The front was humped, and the back was let down.