Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Winter Hair Protection

So I haven't quite been setting the best example for hair care so far this year. I have been slacking on my hat gear, but I am working on my scarf collection. I've also been doing really well with keeping my hair well moisturized! I keep my hair protected 3 out of 4 times, but I also think its important to give you air some time to breath and some time to be appreciated! I found a GREAT website with some very important suggestions. You can find it here. I'll post some pictures with my latest hairstyle! Happy Experimenting!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Homemade Shea butter cream

So yesterday I tried my first homemade hair product! It came out pretty awesome actually. My measurements were not exactly accurate but my Shea butter did come out creamy (as the video said it would). I am very satisfied with the product! I added the same ingredients as the video (see last post) minus the castor oil (I added a little more coconut oil). I wish I snapped a picture of the unrefined Shea butter, but unfortunately I totally forgot. I do have a couple pics of the cream though. Pics below!

Happy experimenting!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Next Project: Homemade Shea Butter!

My mom brought me a container of all natural Shea butter so I'm thinking I'm gonna make my own Shea butter cream. I've been looking for a good recipe/video, and I finally found the one I think I'm gonna attempt... Maybe I'll do it tonight! It's really simple; mostly just regular kitchen/hair ingredients. I'll let you guy know how it goes!

Here's the video!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Too old mini twists?

There's no such thing!! There's always something you can do with your "old" mini twists/twist out/braid out, etc. I wanted to wash my hair last week, but I totally didn't have any time so I pinned it up with a banana clip. Took me a grand total of about 5 mins to turn floppy and lifeless into fabulous! :) There are many different styles that can be done with a twist out (I'll post some videos) But I did a simple one. Pics below!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Twenty Twelve!

I know we're well into 2012, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I was trying to see if I had any natural hair resolutions for the year, and I realized, I absolutely do!

1. Retain length!
How do you do that, you ask? Simple! Take care of your hair! That statement alone however is a general statement. It doesn't mean you have to follow someone else's regimen down to the type of pillowcase they use! Taking care of your hair is more than just the products you use. It includes your diet, making sure you take care of your body, (EXERCISE), etc. it's kind Of like taking care of a baby! ^__^

2. Make my own hair product(s)
I've been searching for all natural whipped Shea butter recipes. I've found some helpful ones but there's always an excuse for me (shaking my head at myself). HOWEVER! Before the year is over, I'm gonna have my own recipe. Scents and all!

3. Start vlogging?
Possibility. I have friends who text and call asking for hair tips and tutorials. Making a video is so much easier than texting it all... But I haven't completely decided yet.

I'm really gonna shoot for at least one blog post a week. I know I've said this before but I'm gonna try my best this year! Maybe I'll get a shadow write or something for those weeks when I'm extremely busy! Lol we'll see what happens. There's A TON of info waiting to be shared about the beauty of natural hair... Enough time wasting, Sophie!

And finally...
5. Inspire at least ONE person!
I hope that one day, someone reads my blog or sees my pictures and feel like they want to do something creative themselves. Thats enough for me!

Have a creative new year! ^__^