Friday, September 9, 2011

Moisturizing & Deep Conditioning [Requested Repost]

Time: About 5 minutes
First of all your hair needs moisture, moisture, MOISTURE!! (Especially if you have thick, extra nappy hair). I moisturize on almost a daily basis and whenever I'm styling my hair. Right now, my favorite moisturizer is a Bear Fruit Hair product. I don't actually remember the name of it, but the website gives you the option choosing what oils, butters, herbs, fruits, and scents you want to put in your product (they also have some other ingredients). Their products are very inexpensive. You can find them here.

I also use Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner. It works as a a leave in conditioner, but you can also use it in daily styling ($6 at Wal-Mart). I use the Shea Butter as a sealant - (after I add water, I add the Shea butter to hold the moisture.) Another one of my favorites Olive Oil Organic Root Stimulator Moisturizing Hair Lotion. I use it in daily styling also.

Deep Conditioning
Time: About 1 hour
Deep conditioning is a REALLY good idea for anyone with nappy hair. I do it before I wash (or co-wash) my hair because it makes your hair softer & easier to work with. I think the most important part of this process is the heat treatment. (It's good if you could even deep condition the night before you're going to wash your hair, but doing it right before you wash is fine also.) My deep conditioner is a homemade product (Say yes to saving money!) I actually have 3 I want to try, but I've only actually used just this one recipe. What I use is called Sweet Avocado Deep Conditioner. The ingredients are: 1 avocado, EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and honey. It's very simple to mix. (Depending on how thick your hair is, you might not even need the whole avocado. Also, you don't HAVE to have the avocado. The EVOO & honey alone will do just fine.) To mix: 1) Mash the avocado until it's almost completely liquefied. 2) Pour about one spoonful of honey into a sandwich baggie. 3) Pour another spoonful of EVOO into the baggie. 4) Place the baggie in a bowl of water. Microwave for one minute. 5) Open the baggie, and pour the mashed up avocado into it. 6) Mix it with a fork until the mix looks uniform. --> AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! (All of the basic recipes listed here can be made almost the same way. If you have any questions ask me!)

*Other recipes:
Baby Banana: banana baby food, EVOO, honey
Cucumber & Egg: 1/2 Cuke, 1 egg, 1/2 and eggshell worth of EVOO.
A sidenote: As you can see, the constant ingredient is EVOO. Believe it or not, it works WONDERS for nappy hair!

The process: 1) Part your hair in four big sections. 2) Apply the deep conditioner very generously throughout your hair. After you've applied it to one section, make one big twists. 3) You can leave the hair in the twist when you do this step. Put a shower cap on your head and sit under a hair dryer for 50 minutes. (Try to tilt your head just to make sure the back and the front of your hair get some heat. This step is really important! The heat opens your pores so that your scalp really takes in the deep conditioner.) 4) After 50 minutes, take the shower cap off and wait 5 minutes. 5) After 5 minutes, wash your hair out with COLD water.

After you've done this you can just go straight into your wash. If you're doing the overnight process, stop at step 3 for the night, and pick up at step 5 the next day.

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